Coincidence, since yesterday I have set foot in Port Dickson - where the courts become the latest battle of two political parties we Malay Muslims. Together with some friends, I will implement programs for energy Mukmin Professional thinkers who came from various universities, public and various organizations that background behind the political or business.

Town in Port Dickson this time, we as "guests" who celebrated with various color flag - and will only be blue, green and red dominate. Yes, this is a democracy that creates color (internal and external) when the season arrived choosing leaders. Something like that ... I always thought expressed concern View room, has long been a political Islamic Malay ... what we have done? What we have with political wisdom and HI?

When I saw the website and blog in particular, discuss specific problems in the city last winter spectacular beaches, this beautiful ... sad as the political face of Malay is still bad. Situation and recent developments, if not dealt with the preparation and knowledge of education and quantity will decline despite continued Malay kesenjangan prolonged. Suit will continue to win, the win will continue to bark.

Believe me, this is only a political tool, not a destination. Power is the only way, is not the goal. Because I am convinced there is a "third stream" in Malay political current. Those who can reconcile, reconciliation, advise and alert, so that disputes among Muslims do not exceed the limits of Faith, Shariah and Islamic morals. Political, their confidence in fighting ... but in the framework of "one race" to get the pleasure of Allah with true sincerity to the people.

Then, after the Morning Prayer, in the tense look cold wind blows by the beach ... when "those political" as well as any issues they raise their hands when they pray to Allah, not only find the victory, but also find peace, mercy and guidance for the nation as a whole. If they do not know, ask your prayers so that people know this more quickly. If they are confused, ask people to use this. This Ibrah When Allah when thrown stones at Taif. What we have patience like Prophet SAW that offer assistance when the angels to destroy the enemy ... and still hope that further generations will believe?

Companions who fought, both within and da'wah Lineage Siasah ... let us continue to pray and work for all the anxiety in the chest lift this nation. "Earthquake hearts" that swept this must be received before God teaches us with "Earthquake" or any mehnah sure we will be more pain. Find a spiritual master, God will remind us to "test" to remind small, but if we continue to default ... He will remind us with testing and greater penalties. Members say the motivation is, "God we start throwing stones small ... but if we do not change God we start throwing bricks."!

Yes, I will study vector here. Vulkanik courts to try dicurah jugful with water. I will continue to be told in the spirit of small birds (in the story of Abraham - as told by Ustaz Zambri "quantity" in a TV program for children) who pours water to extinguish a large fire lit Namrud to burn Abraham.

When doing a small bird be ridiculed by other large birds (which may be caused by the drop of water can extinguish a large fire), Bird said with confidence:

"He will not ask me what work will remove a large fire or not, but I fear God will ask me what I need to put out this fire?"

Ah, mentari start smiling. Crowing chickens start downloading. Is increasingly clear. Let me move ... I pray, O friends. Perhaps the "small" I carry this with great spirit. For mu I leave at a glance: muhasabah in Port Dickson: WHAT OUR POLITICAL IBADAH so?

Let us bermuhasabah, the extent of political affairs and work with us so adore to see under these conditions:
1. Start with good faith.
Prior to our efforts in politics, try to ask what the purpose of your heart to our efforts in this area? Ensure that early, our intention is good faith. Belief that good? Many good faith, for example ... to defend the fate of nations, ups countries, helping communities and others. This is good faith. However, keep in mind that the intention is 'better' than faith-the faith. As a Muslim we make something suitable for the purpose of 'God'.

This is because Islam teaches us that all matters involving the relationship between man, God must be used as a binder in the relationship. Because it is better if the 'binding' intention to defend the people, nation and country based on 'God'. Tell yourself, "I want to defend relation, and RA masyarakatku God commanded me to do." In this way our political task will be bound by the primary mission that God created man to worship Him. He said:
"Can I make the jinn and mankind except to worship to Me."

Intention 'God' and it will be a controller, monitor and encouragement to our place and genuine, transparent and sincere in the political cauldron that is often described as 'dirty' it. Instead, the intention is only to defend the nation, country and others are not strong enough to ensure that we are not tempted and slips in the political world of course full of challenges and temptations, which supports good or stressed. How many 'fighter' racist killing Pd hotel? How many 'supporters' society nightmares when respected?

However, if we do and strive for a strong policy that 'God', then God will always be in our hearts to ensure that we remain on the right track at all times and situations. Remember, the projections (end) of which is often determined by muqaddimahnya (early). Because of this, all started with the intention, if good faith, it is also possible pengakirannya good. But if the only intention to get early rewards, and praise your name, then just cancel our intention to enter politics. We will not be a good politician if drops are not good-faith tolakkan.

2. Diceburi field (political) allowed by the sharia.
PDS Siasah political or areas that are not only legitimate but is preferred in Islam. Term political means, "art and Sciene government '. Or' Siasah 'in Arabic is derived from the word policy means,' to lead, guide, to do, you live. If viewed through a political dimension, so the field is closely related to the role people on earth who seebagai Caliph of Allah. He said:
"We created man as the inheritors of the earth."

In this context political views In fact leadership is trust God to every human being. Allah, which means each of us is a shepherd (leader) and each leader will be asked about his leadership. Things are very important in the teachings of Islam until the device is or how to enforce Ubudiyah to God. Because of this, politicians should realize that they are involved in the ring field is so big and wide to get redha God.

3. Practices to do with the political right.
Good faith will not only ensure we become a good politician. The next step is implementing the true intentions. Applying 'true' here means that according to the sharia (rule of Allah). Which means, we should always choose the way in implementing the political affairs valid. Islam does not practice political Machevelli policy - goals justify the means. Speaking, good faith must be implemented well. Because of this, we can not be involved with things illegal, wrong and sin in implementing political Ambisi.

Implementation will always follow the political boundaries of sharia and other regulations in accordance with the requirements of God. Political process should always be guided by the limits of five - halal, haram, should, and organized disagreement. Compliance with the law of Allah this will automatically cause the party and state regulations also observed. Money politics, for example, not only contrary to party rules and ethical, but legal in the eyes of God.

Likewise, action memaki, insulting and defamatory political enemies do not even qualify for any reason. Key is to provide information and explanation about the purpose or what we would expect Perjuangkan. Can be criticized, even another fiscal blame but should the limits and character of Islamic jurisprudence. Good friends such as separti or opposition, we must manage themselves so as not owned by characteristics such as Mazmumah Hasad envy, resentment, anger, greed and others. To get the position or position not one, but by working hard dapatkanlah not with how to, or threaten menyogok. Remember always, promoted not only the purpose but tools in the struggle.

4. Berpolitiklah the most optimal (best).
To become a good politician, we need to execute tasks in the political best (optimum). The objective here is the optimum with our political skills, knowledge and work ethic is high. We need to deepening knowledge of the management, administration and communications. Kuasailah thinking skills sharp and fast. Berlatihlah how to speak and speak effectively, so that messages can be understood by the political community. Many reading, socializing and listening to people through channels that can improve the quality of leadership and management. A good politician, of course, have knowledge about religion, psychology, economics, education, social and other areas in accordance with the appropriate level or with our position in society and in the party.

Not enough, we must have the 'expertise' in the field of human relations. The ability to become a good listener, empathy and sensitive to what is stated or what is not disclosed. This is a keharusan to encourage our political career. We must Onizuka in time management and efficiency have time to organize and divide efficiently and effectively. Managing yourself, family, community, parties should be arranged fairly so that each action set by the level of priority. Have not missed anything important or marginalized.

Bergepanglah to political work ethic. Always put people and nations struggle against self-interest. Trying to view history 'members' political success, especially ur Caliph Khulafaur Caliphs (Sayidina Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali RA) must hold them all at the end of life is ethical. If destined to become representatives of the people, duduklah with people, listen to their conscience. Do not representative of the people who rarely 'with' people. Patience, sacrifice, kepedulian, empathy, the Pardoner, wheeling is a must have feature if you want to be a good politician.

5. Does not leave matters in the Islamic basis.
Matters of basic principles of faith in Islam is a six and five Islamic teachings. This is a pre-condition for all actions Muslims to worship as votes. If these basic things ignored, all the good that we do not wake up earlier will be evaluated as well. Imagine, how we can be considered as good if we ignore the fate of even our own mother was dedicated to all people? But it does not set the basic things in Islam, so is 'bad' although segunung benefit to mankind.

Prayer, for example, can not be ignored even sesibok where our political affairs. Not meet the time led prayer apostasy. If we have enough property, then Hajj without reason lengahkannya Equip-BZ should rest dedicated to the public. We must remember, this is a worship-worship that will provide basic mental strength, emotional emptiness and peace of mind for us to do political business with more affective, more productive and creative. Remember, those who manage the relationship with God, then God will take care of relationships with men.

6. A good projection.
How our attitude at the end of the success or failure at the end of a political career? If we are destined for success, and grateful to success is. Proof of gratitude is the grace we feel that success comes from God not because of our wisdom. Deny all the benefits, efforts and energy that we feel before God with all of that does not give effect without help from him.

Then, thanks in your heart that continues to produce further action in accordance with the purpose of God is the award. Considering the rank, the signs of God 'direction' we devote to the people. But fear, not proud. Never is limited owing to the tongue, but empty in the liver and zero in the action.

Conversely, if failed, patience ... He realities we want to solve a political career. Not genuine wrought iron hot by quality? So, do not despair. Tempohlah again, soalnya not low quality, but where we fall where we jump back. Fact is not only a sunnahtullah in life, but also acid salts in the political world. Make sure we are not discouraged or jaded. Every time we fall!

Six steps will be easy to follow if diperteguhkan faith. A person will choose a collection action in accordance with the faith and reject any otherwise. These are values that form the system. This value system will form the attitude of Islamic politicians not only in attitudes but also cakapnya corner. Beautiful, the program 'to' if successfully implemented will highlight the impact on themselves, society and voters. Appreciation as a political religion, will reinforce the strength and unity in the party without having to play lakonkan-or-dilobi lobby again.

So how to make the political spotlight as religious. These measures are not merinci things we can think about themselves. Gross-line provided by the book is too general for political change in a more scientific evidence. But it seems enough to stimulate and open the mind to create a political as a religious!

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