When Political Parties Have Warned The Royal Malaysia Police

Pinworm seemed like a snake! When kaduk rose trellis! And various types of more .. 

So I think when reading emails warning of the Socialist Party of the Royal Malaysia Police forces should not intervene or do anything against their plan to demonstrate against the GST tax issues before the Parliament of Malaysia on 15th March before Parliament meets. 

I see real weird how people interpret freedom of expression for people to dare to happen rude to His Majesty the King, lead the country and dare to warn of the Royal Malaysian Police force itself? 

What they feel is too great and more powerful than the King himself? 

If these people are not educated Malaysian customs and culture of the east in the know respect for the institution of the Malay Sultanate and the way how to take when confronted Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Tuanku Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Al Muktafi Billah Shah when His Majesty will be the opening of Parliament for Parliament to be held on that day, then I as a citizen called the Royal Malaysian Police to teach those parties with the procedures agreed to Rukun Negara! 

There is a need to feel that the knowledge of the meaning of idioms' Where is the earth stomp; there wants to uphold the heavens! "
These people are human traditions like kaduk rose trellis, it will be self-conscious manners of the King and the Malay Sultan, patron of the earth, our beloved homeland.
Police hope the team does not fear thunder and the sky deck and perform the Rule of Law against those who do not know this thanks.
Enforce the law. Do not dock dondang love to play as the official State Minister of warning.
If in the past, have been identified as the train passed laws rebel against the Sultan!
Cause of their corruption was due to the weakness of the Government second cousin about the nature of heroism in the face of this adventurer adventurer.
Wrong day, crushed him against a second country when they do not dare to uphold the law!
What is the source of the less ajarnya some people are not aware of one's own personal position to condemn all the brave mencibir government institutions and His Majesty the king the king himself?
This problem arises in my mind when His Majesty Tuanku Sultan Malays more diligent care and speak about the affairs of this sport and this, so this concert and silent, close eye, deafening the ear and allow only elements acts independently issued a statement the complainant sheep follow one's heart NO they have any strong action to teach them the principles according to the provisions of existing law!

Pains my heart to read the newspaper today where there are reports of proposals MP Shah Alam to urge His Majesty the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Idris Shah Sharafudin allow the motion to amend the state constitution to approve the request to let the people use the word kaffir 'Allah' as they like them!

If the motion for approval of the King, so I do not wonder if the state will be hit by the disaster wrath wrath of Allahu Ta'ala! 

Do not belittle the sacred words of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to be applied to the temple worship of idols and temples of the kaffir laknatullah! 

As a result, the condition will be triggered not you think this could happen at home !
I was disappointed once saw the failure of government to defend Najib 1Malaysia kesyumulan Ad Realitinya Islam and weaknesses of the Malay Sultanate itself to uphold the integrity of the Malay King and the Sultan himself for not waking up to the height of each position in front siyasah Malaysia!
1Malaysia 1Penakut?

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