KHALID SAMAD, Political Leaders, The Brave, Principled & Integrity

Khalid Samad of PAS is a political leader who I respect because he dared to defend the matter or principle is true although some people may think it will be lost in terms of politics.

That's what distinguishes politicians who have intellectual and political integrity of the person and the nature of two-bit opportunist. People usually do not understand voracious issues dealt with, or if he even understood the issue, the type that will continue to get acting berdrama and support people with diperalatkan through speech and emotional sensations.

Enactment Selangor Islamic Religious Issues

Khalid I see as a bold man when he says Islam Selangor Enactment 1988 to ban the use of words such as divine, prophets, revelation, mosques and others to non-Muslims are no longer appropriate and necessary reform.

Proposals have been brilliant but he gives space to a group of Islamic NGOs to make a police report against Khalid ostensibly on the grounds of insulting Islam and the Sultan. These reactions are not familiar with the group KIMIA and discussion and dissent.

They only want Khalid executed and closed mouth and mind. Efforts to understand and discuss the views he did not directly important for the group of Islamic NGOs. That are important to them, Khalid must be punished.

Khalid actual purpose, in my opinion, is this: prohibition against non-Muslims from using certain words by the Islamic Religious Council in any state once it must be understood in sabenar contacts.

Prohibition of the Federal Constitution About Islam

Any principles or rules must be viewed and studied in particular contacts. Contacts prohibition untok non-Muslims from using certain words must be seen from the contacts that the prohibition of the Federal Constitution does not allow people of other religions and try to persuade untok "convert" or change the religion of Islam.

So the purpose of Enactment is secucok with and based on the Federal Constitution. Law Enactment of Islamic states, including invalid if it violates federal laws.

Under the Constitution we are people of other religions are not allowed to influence or persuade the Muslims to embrace their religion. This prohibition stipulated by the Constitution.

So if they I intend pujuk dakwahkan or their religion to Muslims, then reason why they can not use perkataaan gazetted under the Enactment.

Which means the prohibition to use the words listed includes the name of God only in the context of when a person is trying to influence Muslims.

For example, if a priest or monk who met several times with a Muslim to talk about how Christianity according to the bosom of Islam-so is using the word Allah, prophets and revelation, then the basic prohibition situlah terpancar valid. This is because the word is used in context to attract Muslims to change religion. Enactment is the purpose that lah.

Use words of Allah, Revelation, prophet, mosques and so forth by non-Muslims

But use the word God, revelation, prophets, mosques and others in the context of speech can not be prohibited common.

For example, if children singing Ah Chong of Selangor or Johor seeking God prolong life or Sultan Sami Velu asked neighbors "Ahmad, I to the mosque to you this evening?", Then it can not be wrong.

* Where there are laws in the world that can legally prohibit the public use of a word.

* What is the basic prohibition?

* What if people think the Malays do not gunakankan name of India said at Proton Iswara Iswara is because one of the names of Hindu gods?

Similarly, if the Malays are asked not to use the Sanskrit word such as heaven, hell, sin, reward and so on.

Khalid should indeed be praised for want truth. Because you want to clarify and update the Enactment. Muslims understand what the purpose of the prohibition be and what the purpose of the Enactment is not clear.

Group Islamic NGOs should support the streamlined so that Ebnakmen 1988 and explained clearly.

Then people said we Muslims understand this and understand their own religion law country.

If you follow the sentiment and emotion to reject the truth, then do not blame others if they argue Muslims fear shadows shadows.

Fear fee dialogue and discussion, and just like the law only. Samoga Khalid won again in Selangor
-Zaid Ibrahim

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